Let's identify the 'brain' of the smartphone!

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Why do we call smartphones ' smart ' ? Because earlier simple , feature phones could only make phone calls , send SMS and provide alarm and very basic games. But then internet connectivity became possible in phones and because of this the use of phones changed drastically.

In this new phone, we can do web browsing , watch videos , do photography or videography , do gaming, shopping etc. with the help of various apps , do instant messaging , group chatting , exchange documents etc ... compared to the old , simple feature mobile phones. We got many such new features in the new phone , but it cannot be said that the smartphone is smart only because of this.

Today's phones are smart because they can read our minds and customize and personalize various aspects of the smartphone accordingly!

The meaning of this is to be understood. Various services , apps etc. on the internet know a lot about us and based on that , they can customize various things when we are in a particular website or app. But what about that webpage or app.

In almost the same way , smartphone operating systems are also made to understand our usage of the phone in different ways and then customize different things accordingly.

If you remember a while ago Google ran an ad campaign for its search app with the catchline Is app main aap hain! Because the search app understands us and gives us various information.

Well , for smartphones too it can be said that Iss phone mein aap hain! Because even the phone system is constantly exercising our mind. After knowing all this, using the various features of the phone will be more fun!

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You must know that smartphones have pre-installed and system default apps in addition to apps that we can add. Such apps are not easily visible to us , but they keep doing their work silently. Android System Intelligence (ASI) is one such app or feature. It may also happen that you have updated this app in play store many times and still remained unaware of it. Various smart features found in relatively cheap budget phones to high-end smartphones are attributed to this Android system intelligence.

Earlier this feature was known as ' Device Personalization Services ' . It was launched by Google as a co-component of the Android system in the year 2018 , it got a new name in 2021.

As you can see, all the features mentioned in the side box are also available in different apps or services. But all that is possible with the help of the technology included in that app. All these smart features have been added to the Android operating system itself as ' Android System Intelligence ' . Hence, apart from different apps, we can also benefit from it in the smartphone system.

Thus Android system intelligence acts like the brain of a smartphone.

This brain of smartphone can work only when it can check and understand our usage patterns. This means that whatever action we take in the smartphone is watched by this system intelligence. So it means that Google also delivers all this data to its servers ?

According to Google, the system intelligence in our smartphones does not require network access to run. Also, all this data does not reach Google's servers without our permission.

Android System Intelligence is a part of Android operating system itself , so we cannot uninstall it like other apps.

Yes , you can disable this feature if you are very concerned about privacy. It does not affect the basic functions of the phone. We can make or receive calls from the phone as usual , exchange messages , take pictures or videos , browse the net , use apps ... etc everything continues as usual.

Not all of them are smart personalization!

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Our smartphone works in two ways - one , it does all the things we expect from a phone , second , it understands our usage patterns , continuously learns from it and then uses our smartphone accordingly as per our individual needs . Trying to make it easier.

This second task is made possible by the Android System Intelligence built into the Android operating system itself. Here are some examples:

Live Captions: In many smartphones, when we run a video or audio file, we can read its words on the screen as live captions. This is different than watching subtitles on YouTube or OTT. Any kind of video or audio in smartphone can get live captions on the screen. It is based on Android system intelligence.

Live Translate: In many smartphones, video-audio or text can be translated into another language in real time. This is also possible due to Android system intelligence.

Screen On: Like most people, you might have set your Android smartphone to automatically turn off its display and lock the phone after a certain number of seconds.

But when we are watching a video or reading a long text, the screen does not turn off even after the time limit is over. Why ? Because the smartphone ' somehow ' knows that we are doing something on the smartphone and therefore the screen is not turned off.

Mostly the smartphone knows with the help of its camera sensor that we are sitting with our mouth on the phone. Hence, the screen of the phone does not turn off until we move the face to the other side. This is also the wonder of Android system intelligence.

Screen Rotation: Another ' miracle ' of Android system intelligence. If we look at the phone vertically and then turn it horizontally, all the things on the screen are rotated accordingly! Auto-rotate exercise to change screen orientation as per our requirement is also done with the help of android system intelligence.

Smart Clipboard: Keyboard apps like G Board or Swift Board and the default keyboard included in smartphones now also include the Smart Clipboard feature. Due to this we can copy different types of content and save it in clipboard and paste it anywhere as needed.

Earlier anything could only be copied once and then only that single content would be available for pasting anywhere. Thanks to system intelligence, multiple types of content can now be copied, saved and optionally pasted.

Conversation with Assistant: After activating the Google Assistant service in the Android smartphone, we can type our thoughts in it or give voice commands. Whatever we say as a voice command gets typed as text on the screen is also possible due to system intelligence.

Quick response to notifications: When we receive different types of notifications from apps in the smartphone and we see them in the notification shutter, we can respond to them in different ways according to the type of app that sent the notification. For example, if there is a text message, there is a button showing ok or thank you etc. in response to it. It can be clicked and sent quickly without typing a reply. Such answers are determined by system intelligence!

Music recognition: Google Assistant program in smartphones now includes a service like ' Shazam ' , due to this, if we listen to the tune of a music to the smartphone, it searches about it on the Internet and gives results. This convenience is also made possible with system intelligence!


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