This is how private data leaks from your phone, find out what government statistics say

In the present time, the wave of modern revolution is going on in the world. Data is the biggest weapon in this era, that's why enemies are now eyeing this weapon of data revolution. But how the enemy is trying to spy on your personal life with this technique. In this report we will tell you.

In fact, there are many ways in which your data can be leaked on the Internet, often due to companies being negligent in storing user data. So many times hackers deliberately attack the servers of companies to get data. Cybercriminals steal data by gaining physical or remote access to computer networks. To steal such criminal data, they find loopholes in the company's network.

Data leakage can also happen due to negligence of companies

  • Hacker attack on server
  • Physical or remote access can lead to data theft
  • Finding loopholes in criminal networks
  • Pawn the employee
  • Selling data on the dark web

Is the threat of data theft increasing rapidly in the country? The answer is yes! If we look at the government statistics, 52 thousand 974 cases of cyber crime have been reported in 2021. Which is 5.9 percent more than 2020. While 32230 cases of online fraud were reported in 2020. This is more than 60.8 percent of the total cases.

How to protect yourself from online fraud

Whenever we make a purchase in the real world or in the online world, we do not share data with people. Because this is the hotspot when people's data gets messed with. That's why we don't need to open online calls, online messages and links. If you think something is wrong with your phone then you need to contact Cybercrime.


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