In a first in history, NASA lost contact with the ISS in a power outage, leaving scientists confused.

This was the first time such a situation had occurred at NASA headquarters due to which NASA lost contact with the space station. As it turned out, the power went out at NASA's headquarters in Houston, although power failures are not uncommon in America. It is also a place from where scientific research is going on from all over the world. Because of this, the International Space Station lost contact with NASA and this was not a matter of one or two minutes but there was no contact with it for one and a half hours. This is the first time in the history of communication between NASA and the space station.

This is the first time such an event has occurred in history

The space station first became fully operational in 2009. Since then, this kind of situation has never happened. NASA has a power backup at its headquarters. There is a complete backup control system to communicate with the astronauts on the space station orbiting above 450 km.

This contact was lost for 90 minutes

The power failure and disconnection occurred on 25 July 2023. Contact with NASA was lost for 90 minutes. Meanwhile, NASA contacted astronauts Frank Rubio, Woody Hoberg, and Stephen Bowen through Russian communications systems. But the American communication system was not working. Also backup support was not available.

Telemetry, communication and command were disrupted

When the power went out, NASA lost telemetry, voice communication and command with the space station. The reason for the power outage was that the ground power system at NASA's Johnson Space Center was being upgraded. However, it was not even estimated that the power supply would fail. Just 20 minutes after power went off, NASA contacted the astronauts on the space station through the Russian communications system.


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