Unique discovery by scientists: If you don't like living here on earth, you can live on 24 planets in space

New delhi date. 28 November 2022, Monday

Apart from Earth, there are 24 other planets in our universe where life is possible. Scientists believe that one of them is a planet where the possibility of human life is better than Earth. These planets are called super habitable planets. Dirk Schulz Makuch, an astrobiologist at the University of Washington and the Technical University of Berlin, said that we are constantly looking for planets with Earth-like potential.

Schulz-Makuch and his team have identified 24 super-habitable planets. Life on a planet is better than Earth. A nearby planet called KOI 5715.01 is 550 million years old. Here it is orbiting an orange star 2965 light years away. The average temperature on its return may be about 2.4 degrees Celsius cooler than on Earth. But if it has more greenhouse gases than Earth to keep warm, it might be worth living here.

In addition, life may be possible on planets that have Earth-like soil and that are divided into small Earth-like continents. As the continents grow larger, the centers of the continents move farther from the oceans. This often turns the interior parts of the continents into large deserts.

KOI 5554.01

Here is a planet about 650 years old. Its diameter is 0.72 to 1.29 times that of Earth. Here it is orbiting a yellow star about 700 light years from Earth. All 24 of these potentially habitable planets are 100 light-years away from Earth. Scientists hope that in the future, with the help of new technology spacecraft and telescopes, more information about it will be shared with people.


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