The use of long addresses on YouTube had to be shortened after protests!
If you are a heavy user of YouTube then you must be tired of the plethora of ads. In some videos, we can skip the ads that appear at the beginning after a certain second, but some ads have to be watched all the way through. It also caused an uproar on YouTube last week. Because YouTube platform started showing long ads before starting some videos and such ads could not be skipped. Not only that, before some videos, such 10-10 long ads had to be watched! People fed up with this admara on YouTube took to Twitter and other social platforms to protest against it.
Now YouTube has announced that it was just an experiment and has now been discontinued. According to YouTube, this experiment was conducted to see how people respond to long videos by showing more ads at the beginning instead of having ad breaks in between. But after massive public outcry, YouTube has clarified that now each ad will be only six seconds long and only some videos will show multiple ads simultaneously , not all.
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