Smart' downloads in Netflix

Do you enjoy watching movies or webseries on OTT platforms like Netflix ? If your phone has a good , unlimited net connection, this feature may not be necessary , but if the net connection is sometimes caught and sometimes not, the download feature can prove to be very useful. When Netflix entered India, seeing the state of net connectivity in India, the company felt that it had to provide download facility here!

Currently, you can download Netflix content on iPhone , iPod , Android phone or tablet , Amazon Fire tablet , Chromebook and Windows 10 or 11 tablet or computer. Of course , not all content is available on all devices and for download. If you are watching a movie or a series in the Netflix app in mobile, then you might have noticed the download icon in it. If you want, you can download a movie on Wi-Fi at office , come home and watch that movie without spending mobile data.

However, even on a laptop, if you try to download a movie by logging in to in the browser, it will fail. The reason is simple - the browser version of Netflix does not have this feature. You have to go to the Microsoft Store on a laptop , install Netflix's free app , then log in to it to download content.

Another thing - Netflix also offers ' Smart Downloads ' feature. When we watch a webseries, the ' Smart Downloads ' feature downloads the next episode and deletes the episode that has been watched - both automatically. In addition , the ' Downloads for You ' feature automatically downloads content that Netflix thinks we might be interested in on iPhone , iPad , Android phones/tablets and certain Chromebooks or Chromebooks , based on our history. This works only on Wi-Fi and we can turn both types of downloads on or off by going to the settings of the app.


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