How do you use smartphone, internet?

- hkík-rËðMk su MkkÄLk ykÃkýk nkÚk{kt hnu Au, íkuLkk WÃkÞkuøk rðþu nS ftEf ðÄkhu fhðwt òuEyu yuðwt ík{Lku ÷køku Au?

First of all a heartfelt apology! Below , only the questions are addressed to different types of people. You are bound to come across some of them. These questions can make you nervous , itchy. If it happens again , apologize with folded hands!

But , these questions need to be asked. These questions hold a mirror to all of our lives.

We've got a tremendously powerful tool that no one in any generation before us could have even dreamed of. Smartphones and the internet have changed all of our lives in so many ways and will continue to do so.

The smartphone has become so important for us that now we cannot stay away from it even for two hours.

The point is, have we really realized its importance ?

The following questions will be helpful in answering this question. All these questions are completely random. There may be many other questions. Can be for many types of people. Here only , the questions are put in focus keeping in mind the type of persons in an average family.

Read all these questions at your leisure and think about how much you do , how much you feel like doing , and then why you should do it!

ynet fþwt Mkk[wt-¾kuxwt, MkkÁt-¾hkçk LkÚke, Võík ¾wÕ÷k {LkÚke sðkçkku rð[khòu

rðãkÚkeo íkhefa...

Just calmly decide the answer - do you use the smartphone or does it use you ? Ever see how much time you spend on which apps on your phone ?

When was the last time you read an article related to the subject of study on Wikipedia ? When did you see a similar video on YouTube ?

Which YouTube channels have you subscribed to ? Do you think it helps in your studies or career development ?

Do you ' properly ' organize all your files and folders in your smartphone or laptop ? Can you search the required files quickly ? In the case of a laptop, are the files-folders arranged so that you can call mom at home while you are in tuition, and easily get her to the file you want ?

Do you use a to-do list app for scheduling tuition , school , homework ?

Working together on a project file with your friends using a service like Google Drive or OneDrive ?

Watch Ted Talks on a topic you love ? Have done any free online course ? Do you watch news regularly in any news app ?

Want to go abroad for higher studies ? How do you prepare for that ? Have any dictionary app installed in your phone ? Looking for a smartphone to improve your English ?

rþûkf íkhefa...

Who has more influence on your student - your smartphone or his ? ' Students are proving to be smarter than teachers in terms of using smartphones , computers , internet etc. ' - Do you also believe this to be true ? Do you think your students are using technology really smartly ? If you don't think you can change the position ?

A student these days can learn a lot about a subject on his own , even before it comes to class. If any of your students are like this, would you be happy or upset ?

When schools were running online , were your students and you tired of learning that way ? During the online classes, did you show the students anything special from the syllabus ?

Now that everyone uses smartphones, do you sometimes talk to students in class about their digital lives ? For example, do you tell the students how files and folders can be organized by subject in a laptop or a service like Google Drive ?

Do you save and track your timetable online ?

Do you keep in touch with other teachers who know how to use new technology well ? Do you follow them on social media ?

There is also a lot of content about your topic on Instagram or Pinterest. Do you see all that too ? How do you share it with your students ?

{kíkk-ríkíkk íkéfha...

The teacher who asked you - who is more affected by your child - your smartphone or his ?! Take a look at TechNews on the right about a professor couple from Nagpur and their brilliant son. Your child has talent , but you don't encourage it enough , don't you ?

If your child is small, do you talk to him openly in such a way that his curiosity blossoms, or hold a smartphone in his hand when he wants , are you also active in Instagram ?

The phone has a feature that clearly shows how much time a person spends on which apps in a day on their smartphone. If your child has his own smartphone, do you know about this feature ? Do you check these things ?

Videos can be watched without any history in YouTube. Your children must know this. do you know Children will also be watching the video to preserve the history. What does it see , do you ever see it ? Discuss it with him ?

Do you see and show your child sites/apps that can improve his/her English to help him/her in his/her studies or career ?

Do you watch Ted Talks ? Do you suggest any videos from it or any other that your child might find useful ?

Apart from watching everything on your smartphone , do you read anything ?

ËkËk-ËkËe íkhefa...

Even if they have developed a very good career in their time or raised their children well , most of the elders when it comes to the smart use of smartphones, it is not our job! ' Saying that, they are satisfied with using the phone only enough. Are you one of them ?

Do you believe everything that comes in WhatsApp to be true ?! Do you forward it to others if you think it is wrong ?

If your grandchildren are still small, can you keep them away from the phone for some time and have fun talking with them ?

If the grandchildren are a little older , can you talk to them about apps or topics that interest them and that they find useful ?

Can you find a long lost friend on Facebook ?

Can you keep your love of favorite songs alive by creating a ' shared album ' on YouTube with friends living in different cities and countries ?

If you have a smart TV, can you find what you want to watch by yourself ?

Payment of various bills can now be done easily from the smartphone. Can you do it safely ?

Don't download any app on your phone at the request of any stranger - remember this ?

Are you easily doing video calling , photo sharing with your children living abroad ? Preserving your family photos digitally ? Can you easily find and re-watch photos of memories that are fresh in your mind ?

ykurVMk f{o[khe íkhefa...

Whether you are the boss in your office or have a boss over you , who is the boss when it comes to doing office work really smartly ? Do you think your staff , your team understands the new technology well ? Do you yourself show them new tools , new services ?

First of all , where are all your office work files saved ? Locally on your computer ? Or in the cloud ? Keep a backup ?

Can you access your data , your files from anywhere , even sitting in the client's office ?

How does your team - whether in the same office or different branches - communicate with each other ? WhatsApp or other way ?

Like communication , do you have something set up so that everyone works on their own computer for office work or the whole team can work independently on a single file ?

For project management , what tools do you use for tracking its progress ? Do you yourself use a service or tool to manage your tasks apart from the team ?

Whatever your company's operations , feel that various aspects of it - production , creation , sales , marketing , promotion , accounting, etc. - could be improved with new technology tools ?

For some tech companies, it is said that their employees can use some time of the day for something other than their core work. Is there such a culture or enthusiasm in your office ?

Mkhuhkþ Lkkøkrhf íkhefa...

After the advent of smartphones, initially we all hesitated to make or receive online payments. Now it has become quite normal. You probably do too. Do you know its various aspects ?

Have you started using UPI ? Or is it still confusing ? Do not trust ? Do you know what to do if the transaction fails ?

If you buy something online and have to return the item, do you know the procedure ? Know how to get refund of amount paid ?

You will know to make payment by scanning the QR code displayed in front. Do you know how to pay for the code shared on the phone ?

If you are availing net banking , you go in incognito mode while transacting with it right ?

After opening the bank's website , check its URL ? Do you see lock sign , HTTPS etc in it ?

Do you use incognito mode while using someone else's laptop/PC ?

Use the hotel's free Wi-Fi or your own mobile data when traveling ?

Do you know if your card details are stored in your Google or Apple account ?

So , check whether bank card details are stored while shopping from various online sites ?

Check your bank statements regularly ?

nðu ykøk¤ þwt?

Have you read all the questions above ? Please also read the questions that are not directly applicable to you. It may be that you already know many of these facts , you are doing them accordingly. So very nice. If not, do n't worry if it doesn't apply to you. These questions are not a test! There are no right or wrong answers. There is no good or bad answer!

It is enough if these questions make you think a little. All these talks offer a glimpse into our own lives and our own use of new technologies. As mentioned above , the tools we have are overwhelming, how we use them is important.

Our complaint that our child is engrossed in the mobile phone day and night , may be true , but it may be that we have given him the motivation to do so! We are worried that he will not get into the habit of looking horizontally or playing games on the phone , but instead of such content , we have never given him the option of what he should see , what he should do on the smartphone!

There is embarrassment in the office that the team is not delivering the expected output , but we as team leaders make no effort to instill in them the enthusiasm to learn more about their work or things even remotely related to it !

We may be annoyed that the elders of the family forward without thinking on WhatsApp , but why should we not do that , we don't have time or patience to calmly talk about who is harmed by it!

It is worth remembering again and again that technology is for us , we are not for technology. Many parents ask this writer what sites they should visit or what apps they should use for their children to progress well in studies . Unfortunately , there is no such site, app, or herb! In many ways , with many careful efforts , guidance, the right path is found.

We have to start ourselves.


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