An anti-aging protein was identified in a rat sent to the International Space Station

Tokyo, November 7, 2020, Monday

Two years ago, some rats were sent to the Japanese space agency Jaksa International Space Station. Several experiments were performed on these mice in which researchers have succeeded in identifying a particular type of protein. It is claimed that this protein will not only help astronauts understand their health problems, but also play an important role in controlling the aging process. According to a source, space travel speeds up the aging process, which will help in understanding the role of this protein in the anti-aging field.

According to the researchers, a protein called nuclear factor erythroid-related factor controls part of the biological mutations in mice that are associated with aging. NRF જાણી, known as the master regulator of antioxidant response, is associated with increasing and decreasing stress. For the experiment, scientists sent 16 rats to the International Space Station in 2012 on a SpaceX Falcon rocket. Half of them were not given the NRF5 protein to genetic engineers.

A rapid change in the blood of these mice was observed for which the aging factor was responsible. No such change was observed in rats that were given protein. The researchers believe that these results demonstrate the importance of the NRF protein, which affects stress due to space travel. Astronauts who spend a long time in space are exposed to harmful radiation. Which increases the likelihood of cancer and damage to the central nervous system which becomes important for aging.

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