If such a message comes, don't even click by mistake, the bank account will be shattered

Ahmedabad. 10 September 2020, Thursday

what is happening? The remote access app is useful to the swindler in cracking down on our bank details / OTP and the swindler needs a strong reason to prove that we need to install such an app in our phone. Most of the time they give a reason to complete the KYC process of wallet or bank.

Thugs can send a message to tens of thousands of people at a very low cost that they need to complete their KYC process. It is natural that one or the other of these people is using the said wallet or bank. They fall into the trap.

What to watch out for? Do not pay attention to SMS or other KYC related messages. Never call the number mentioned in it, do not install any app and do the transaction at the request of that person. If the KYC process of your wallet is really incomplete, the use of the wallet will stop very soon, but you will be able to avoid big losses.

for more details kindly go to https://ift.tt/3bgFIf3


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