Will Dog report coronavirus infection in the future?

London, July 8, 2020, Tuesday

In the wake of the rampant cholera epidemic in the world, there has been a concerted effort to find vaccines and drugs. Any disease can be cured only after it is diagnosed. Scientists at a British research institute have taken the initiative to experiment on dogs to detect covid-18. Medical Detection Dogs and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine are also known to be active in catching the dog corona virus. Scientists associated with the medical detection dog believe that each disease has its own distinctive odor that the dog has the ability to smell has been proven in many experiments. Early symptoms of Parkinson's, ranging from malaria and cancer, have also been detected by dog ​​smells.

Such non-conventional efforts become necessary when epidemics become uncontrollable in epidemics. A trained dog can also record subtle changes in a person's body temperature. This makes it useful to know if a person has a fever. The people involved with the Medical Detection Dog hope that the dogs will be able to detect Covid-12 caused by the corona virus, which is causing havoc in the world. For this it is important to catch the smell of corona virus patients and present it to the dog.

Scientists are enthusiastic about testing Covid-18 as the dog has previously been diagnosed with respiratory diseases. At present, body temperature is measured with the help of thermometer guns in public places like airports, railway stations, but if the dog can catch the smell of the disease caused by Corona virus, it will be considered a great success. Scientists believe that in the future, the dog could be kept at the airport for testing Kovid-17. The cost of catching a dog corona virus will also be much lower.

for more details kindly go to https://ift.tt/3bgFIf3


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