What did 19-year-old Pallas Taneja from Delhi do to make Apple a fan?

Pallas Taneja, a 19-year-old Indian from New Delhi, has been shortlisted for the Swift Student Challenge Award for Apple's World Wide Developer Conference 2020.

350 student winners from 45 different countries and regions have been selected for this award. For this challenge, Plass developed a coding program that teaches coding by showing how corona is propagated. Taneja is currently studying at the University of Texas.

In addition to Corona's related program, it has also developed a machine learning-based webtool that predicts the spread of diseases such as dengue. Pallas himself was seriously ill with dengue.

"During my two-three months of illness, I was inspired to learn programming and use it as a problem-solving tool," Pallas wrote on Apple's blog.

for more details kindly go to https://ift.tt/3bgFIf3


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