Facebook will make its own Supreme Court decision on catastrophic content

Ahmedabad. 10 May 2020, Sunday

Facebook has built its own Supreme Court. Gee yeah, a little weird to hear but the fact is that Facebook has created an oversight board which is being called Facebook’s Supreme Court. Facebook's board will make decisions based on freedom of expression and human rights. At the same time, an immediate decision will be made regarding the catastrophic content. Facebook announced the board in 2018.

According to media reports, this step has been taken to improve the content coming on social media and to keep the mall of social media clean and tidy. The oversight board's job is to determine what kind of content will be on Facebook and its other social media platforms and what content needs to be removed. It will also monitor the content of the advertisement, including posts posted on Facebook and Instagram, Facebook page, Instagram profile, group.

Facebook has appointed 20 special people to this board. They include Alan Russiberger, former editor of The Guardian, a former judge and VP of the European Court of Human Rights. Also involved is former Danish Prime Minister Hale Thoring-Schmidt.

The board will go to the disputed case
Facebook will currently work on content with the current policy. Any dispute, including Freedom of Expression Human Rights or Artificial Intelligence, will be referred to the Oversight Board.

Dispute will be decided within 90 days
It will be the responsibility of the Oversight Board to resolve the matter within 90 days. However, the board can take a decision on the disputed matter soon but a time limit of 90 days has been fixed for them.

for more details kindly go to https://ift.tt/3bgFIf3


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