TikTok downloaded more than two billion times, the most users in India

New delhi date. 30 April 2020, Thursday

Tiktok's popularity seems to be on the rise as lockout situations spread around the world due to the Corona epidemic. The video-sharing platform has been downloaded more than two billion (200 million) times from the Google Play Store and Apple Play Store combined. Out of a total of two billion downloads, the highest number of 6,110 lakh downloads came from India.

According to a report by Censor Tower, TickTock has been installed a total of 150 million times from the Play Store, accounting for 75.5 per cent of total downloads. While it has been downloaded 495.2 million times from the App Store which is 24.5 per cent of the total downloads. It has been downloaded more than 3,150 lakh times during the first three months of the current year 2020, making it the first app to be downloaded the most in three months.

In terms of popularity, Tiktok is already popular in India and has grown in popularity during the first three months of this year. Out of a total of 200 crore downloads, 6,110 lakh downloads are from India, which means that Indians make up 30.3 per cent of the total people using Tiktok. It is followed by China with 9.7 per cent (19.66 million times) of total downloads and the US with 8.2 per cent (1,650 lakh).

Earlier this month, the short video creation app surpassed 100 million downloads on the Google Play Store. People around the world are currently in a state of lockdown and the popularity of Tiktok is also increasing as they are seeing various things on the internet.

for more details kindly go to https://ift.tt/3bgFIf3


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